Monday, June 9, 2008

Random Thoughts and Obervations Regarding Life in Chile

50 degrees in Chile is colder than 50 degrees in the US; I think it’s because no one has central heat

The 2 warmest places in Chile are your heated car or a bed with tons of blankets and one electric one

If you try to Google in Chile, you’ll probably Google in Spanish

Chilean restaurants don’t put black pepper on the table, just lots of salt and vinegar

Chilean bread is the best

If you want to get through customs and immigration easily, look scared; however if you look scared and vulnerable at other places, you may come across as a gullible gringo

Save your work on the computer frequently; an unexpected power surge may result in the loss of a whole day’s work. It happened to me today.

Chilean grocery stores and workers are cleaner than many in the US

Chileans use instant coffee and make it with milk instead of water; it’s really quite tasty

Don’t try to respond to an invitation in church that has been given in Spanish even when everyone else does; you need to know what you’re promising God

Even though jelly and juice concentrate come in identical packages, they are not the same. You need to read the words; juice cannot be made out of jelly

Chilean dogs are not overly fond of gringos

Perplexed looks when you don’t understand Spanish seem to frustrate Chileans, because they really want to accommodate and to be your friend

Chilean church ushers will track you down to retrieve the visitor’s card

Chilean believers with little means will find ways of giving to their church. I saw a lady cutting hair in the back “foyer” of the church. She had a can for donations from those whose hair she had cut. All donations went to the church building fund. What a rebuke for we who have so much.

1 comment:

patti v said...

I too, have felt the call at some point to a short term missions endeavor, but so far God has given me missions right here at home. He has shown me many needs in my community. Reading your blog and sensing your excitement and humor in your writings has once again stirred me in wondering what God may have for me to do. Thans for the inspiration. My prayers are with you, girl!