Saturday, June 21, 2008

Random Thougnts and Observations # 4

I had an authentic Chilean lunch today. (Tuesday) Tia Lucy made Charizpan and served it with pebre (Chilean salsa). It was very hot, considering I went heavy on the pebre, but it was delicious. I also had a Penguino, a Chilean twinkie. I was no more impressed with it than I was with Hostess twinkies.

Using technology in a foreign country can be very challenging. I used Power Point in chapel today (Tuesday). It was tough going for awhile, but the Lord sent a missionary well versed in technology to assist me. He always sends help when it is most needed. He’s seldom early, but never late.

Chile has tremors. I experienced one yesterday afternoon. Apparently, I slept through the first one last week.

I think that on the field and on a personal level that missionaries establish many filial relationships that transcend doctrinal convictions and other preferences. Filial relationships differ from ministry cooperation because they are held on a personal level. I think they may be needed for survival in a foreign culture.

On a rainy Wednesday, Tia Lucy provided a stew, carbonata and homemade bread. It was warm and filling. Such a blessing on a rainy day.

Tia Lucy made sopaipillas for snack on Thursday. Hers are made from pumpkin. Most people eat them with powdered sugar. I like them heavy on the pebre.

I experienced my third form of Chilean public transportation – the taxi. The drivers are safer than the NY drivers. I think I’ll pass on the collectivo.

Chilean homes have floors made of tile on cement. They are very hard and hurt when one falls. (Don’t ask me how I know).

After two days of rain, the snow on the Andes is evident. I guess it could be colder.

The SCA Junior-Senior lasted for 5 hours. It was so cold in the banquet hall that I wore my coat most of the evening.

Existing in a foreign culture demands a new level of trust in the Lord, and the constant realization that He is good all the time.

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