Sunday, June 29, 2008

Random Thoughts and Observations #7

Many Chileans are isolationists . . . They sit on the Metro tuned in to their ipods or engrossed in a book
Its as if they are shutting out the pain of life . . . How like the rest of the world . . . aching hearts unaware of the pain with no where to turn

I still say the Santiago Metro is the cheapest  and possibly safest thrill ride available.

The reason the air in Santiago is so bad is because, the city is in a bowl surrounded by two mountain ranges: the Andes and the “Coastal Range.” The bad air gets trapped and the residents of the city have to breathe it. Now I know why I have struggled with asthma (apart from the dusty books).

It is not safe to go to Plaza de Armas at night, but I survived the adventure. I really did not know until I got home. 

There are many sites in Santiago dedicated to deep doctrinal error. I went to San Cristobal today where there is a huge statue of the Virgin Mary overlooking the city. This seems to be common in many Latin American countries. This particular statue shows her stepping on the head of the serpent (yes in opposition to Genesis 3:15; that position belongs to the Lord Jesus). Off to her right is a statue of the crucified Christ. I wonder at the significance of that. The Bible tells me that Christ is alive at the right hand of God, but this statue, which portrays Him as dead at the right hand of Mary, seems to imply that Mary is exalted above Christ, since He is at her right hand. How sad that that many Chileans live and die in the error of Catholicism and then spend eternity apart from the God they have worked so hard to appease.


Stephanie said...

I love all of your observations, both serious and humorous, from your time in Chile! I took the liberty of sharing the link to your blog on my own. Thank you again for your ministry to SCA, its students and families! GOD bless.

CLC said...

Thank you, Stephanie. I hope I wasn't offensive. I am in the process of writing a closing entry which I will share with ABWE as well.